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Why play beach volleyball?


Playing sand volleyball is very beneficial to you as an indoor player.  We want to encourage you to try it out this summer as a way to prepare for the upcoming school and club seasons, and also as a fun change of pace!

Sand volleyball can really help you improve your indoor game.  Since there are only two players per side, you are guaranteed more touches than on the indoor court.  Sand is also the perfect opportunity to improve your skills in other positions.  For example, if you’re a hitter, you’ll be forced to improve your setting skills, since your partner will receive the ball at least half the time. If you come across as a weak setter, you may even be forced into that position by the other team more often, giving you more practice. Improving your weaker skills will always come in handy back on the indoor court.  Playing all over the court also will give you a better overall understanding of the game and the many strategies.


Sand also helps you improve your agility and movement. Not only will you have to move around more to cover the court with only two players, but sand is also much harder to maneuver in.  This transfers to speed and sharp movements back on the indoor court.  Moving quickly also means thinking quickly, and many times playing the ball you weren’t quite prepared for. This will help improve your reaction time back on the indoor court.

While you may end up diving more to cover your side of the court, the sand is much more forgiving to land on, saving you from some of the bumps and bruises of indoor volleyball.  The soft sand is also easier on your joints, giving your knees a break from landing on the hard indoor court.  While the sand is easier on your joints, it definitely provides more of a workout for your muscles.  Diving, getting back up quickly, and the jumping required (since you’ll be hitting more) all provide you with a great cardio workout which is guaranteed to improve your endurance.

On top of all these great benefits, being outside with your friends in the summertime is just fun!

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